PHOTOGRAPHY : Infant, Baby, and Toddler Photography

Logo Creation : Brand Your Company With a Powerful Logo

Photography: Teen / Senior Photography

PHOTOGRAPHY : Infant, Baby, and Toddler Photography

PHOTOGRAPHY : Babies, Infants, Toddlers

PHOTOGRAPHY : Landscape and Vacation

Fix-It Friday #153 | Hands-On Photo Editing Fun!

I love participating in the I Heart Faces Fix it Friday - Hand on Photo Editting posts. Below is a before and after of the photo that they provided. This touching photo is provided by Maryanne Gobble Photography.

Below is the editing process I used for this photo.



For this photo, I felt that it needed a bit of an edge to it, so I added in a texture using Florabella's Texture action. I then made my own adjustments, adding in a cross process and some other coloring to the photo. I lightened up the necklace hanging from her back, because I wanted the heart to be the center of focus for the image.

I then converted to a B/W using just the BW filter in PS CS6 and adjusting to the "darken" option with a few adjustments to some of the sliders. I also used the curves adjustment to brighten up some of the shadows and bringing down some of the whites.

