PHOTOGRAPHY : Infant, Baby, and Toddler Photography

Logo Creation : Brand Your Company With a Powerful Logo

Photography: Teen / Senior Photography

PHOTOGRAPHY : Infant, Baby, and Toddler Photography

PHOTOGRAPHY : Babies, Infants, Toddlers

PHOTOGRAPHY : Landscape and Vacation

Imbirikani School for Girls

The Imbirkani High School in Kenya was begun in 2004 as a result of a study commissioned by Clyde and Betsy Jackson to investigate the educational needs of Maasai children in the Imbirikani Group Ranch area of southwest Kenya. Approximately 10,000 Massai live in the area. The study showed that a high school for girls was badly needed. 98% of the girls in this area do not have any educational opportunity after primary school and most enter into early marriage (ages 14-15) and are then subjected to a life of child bearing and hard physical labor. The Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) owns and operates the school. God willing, the master plan for the school envisions two additional dorms and related facilities to be built over the next two years that will house up to 400 girls.

I am honored to be able to help with such an honorable organization. For more information on the Imbirikani School for girls, please click here.

Travis Ranch Plat Map

The plat for the masterplanned community of Travis Ranch in Forney needed updating. Due to a lack of a workable format, I had to create the entire plat from a jpeg! OUCH!

Massage Therapy by Melony

This logo was made to help my sister start to market her massage business.

So Cal Breakers Logo

AJX 2010 Golf Tournament - Program

I was asked by the AJX Foundation to create a program for the dinner reception at the 2010 Golf Tournament.

You can learn more about the AJX Foundation by clicking here.

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